
notepad++ for coding

For coding programmers use notepad++ generally.When i wanted to learn any programming language ,firstly i worked with notepad(windows') then  i use different editors.For example i used dreamweaver code editor frequently ,however bootstrap arised ,i begun to use CSS and HTML more than ever.These are code-based softwares and script languages as you know.Also while i was using other  editors ,my computer performance decreased.Anymore i use Notepad++ ,it has fast and simple interface...

Some Advantages of  notepad++

1)It is a free program ,open source one.If you prefer notepad++   you can downlad from  the offical site https://notepad-plus-plus.org/.
2)Its  highlighting and folding syntax property  makes a simple view for the user.
3)notepad++  can complete word ,function and paremeters automatically.
4)You can download multi-language versions of notepad++ ftom the offical site.
5)Zoom  and multi view properties are  important for coding.
6)notepad++  has a big community for support.
notepad++ claims that it is useful for the nature.Because   its elements like API use less CPU and power.

You can use different themes of notepad++ for coding: