In the previous article, we talked about Linux History, online desktop Ubuntu, and terminal Webminal.Some computer users ,as me, have not too much time for setting up a program or an operating system.Sometimes our hardware does not allow for this action.For trying commands on the amazing OS Linux ,you can use online sites to get access to the terminal .OK,let's go and try basic commands on Linux.
1)pwd shows in which directory you are at that moment.
2)cd can work with a parameter.If you use it alone ,you will be moved to the parent directory.If you type as "cd/directoryname",you will be moved to where you mentioned.
3)id[user name] lists the user groups that you type .
4)last lists the users who have the latest entries from that moment to the past.
5)history;You can see the commands that were typed before with this command.
6)top shows the applications that are running on the system at the moment.
7)killall can be used different parameters.For example, if you are using nautilus (the official file manager for GNOME desktop)on Linux and there is an undefined problem about running ,you can use this command as killall -9 nautilus to close the application.
8)cat is usually used for reading inside of a file.
9)free shows the memory usage on your computer.
10)lspci shows the hardware elements that are connected to PCI on your computer.
11)man is both a command and command behaves like a guide.If you type man cat,you will see information about the cat command as how to use.
12)rm -rf is used for deleting both directories and applications.But for doing this ,you must be root.
Su means Super User ,exactly Root.It is used for getting full authorization access.By using "su-" you can do all process as root.However, by "su -c" command ,you run only the command you typed not all commands.In the system using root, a lot is not advised.
14)mkdir is used for creating a directory.
15)uname -m gives information about your architecture of your computer.
16)bzip2 [file] is used for the file compression.Your files are compressed by the protection of Burrows-Wheeler.For opening this type of compressed files bunzip2 command is used.
17)diff is a command that makes a comparison between files.For example you can use this command as "diff3 [filex] [filey] [filez]" ,so you can compare these 3 files .Programmers like this command and use for comparing 2 files include codes and finding the difference between them.
18)w list the users who are active and what they are doing at the moment .
19)sort[file] arrays the rows of specified file alphabetically .
20)Sleep[time][time_type] switches your computer to sleep mode.For the time_type you can use "s,m,h,d".For example, if you type "sleep 10d" ,your computer will be in sleep mode for 10 days.
21)quato gives information about the disk usage of users.
22)touch command creates a file.For example "touch Z/ienjoylinux.txt" creates a file called ienjoylinux.txt under the directory Z.
23)cp command is a type of copying process.You can copy any file to specified directories.If you type “cp Z/ienjoylinux.txt linux2016.txt /home/sdn” ,you will copy your file to home/sdn with a new name called as "linux2016.txt".
24)&& combines different commands for saving time.
25)df gives information about the discs in your computer.
26)clear deletes what you wrote on the terminal.
1)pwd shows in which directory you are at that moment.
2)cd can work with a parameter.If you use it alone ,you will be moved to the parent directory.If you type as "cd/directoryname",you will be moved to where you mentioned.
3)id[user name] lists the user groups that you type .
4)last lists the users who have the latest entries from that moment to the past.
5)history;You can see the commands that were typed before with this command.
6)top shows the applications that are running on the system at the moment.
7)killall can be used different parameters.For example, if you are using nautilus (the official file manager for GNOME desktop)on Linux and there is an undefined problem about running ,you can use this command as killall -9 nautilus to close the application.
8)cat is usually used for reading inside of a file.
9)free shows the memory usage on your computer.
10)lspci shows the hardware elements that are connected to PCI on your computer.
11)man is both a command and command behaves like a guide.If you type man cat,you will see information about the cat command as how to use.
12)rm -rf is used for deleting both directories and applications.But for doing this ,you must be root.
Su means Super User ,exactly Root.It is used for getting full authorization access.By using "su-" you can do all process as root.However, by "su -c" command ,you run only the command you typed not all commands.In the system using root, a lot is not advised.
14)mkdir is used for creating a directory.
15)uname -m gives information about your architecture of your computer.
16)bzip2 [file] is used for the file compression.Your files are compressed by the protection of Burrows-Wheeler.For opening this type of compressed files bunzip2 command is used.
17)diff is a command that makes a comparison between files.For example you can use this command as "diff3 [filex] [filey] [filez]" ,so you can compare these 3 files .Programmers like this command and use for comparing 2 files include codes and finding the difference between them.
18)w list the users who are active and what they are doing at the moment .
19)sort[file] arrays the rows of specified file alphabetically .
20)Sleep[time][time_type] switches your computer to sleep mode.For the time_type you can use "s,m,h,d".For example, if you type "sleep 10d" ,your computer will be in sleep mode for 10 days.
21)quato gives information about the disk usage of users.
22)touch command creates a file.For example "touch Z/ienjoylinux.txt" creates a file called ienjoylinux.txt under the directory Z.
23)cp command is a type of copying process.You can copy any file to specified directories.If you type “cp Z/ienjoylinux.txt linux2016.txt /home/sdn” ,you will copy your file to home/sdn with a new name called as "linux2016.txt".
24)&& combines different commands for saving time.
25)df gives information about the discs in your computer.
26)clear deletes what you wrote on the terminal.